Transform Your Sleep, Transform Your Life

Sleep Apnea Treatment at Waterstone Family Dentistry

At Waterstone Family Dentistry, we treat both sleep apnea and snoring and have streamlined the process of helping our patients get the appropriate appliance to sleep better.


What Is Obstructive Sleep Apnea?

Obstructive sleep apnea is a condition where the upper airway is blocked by large tonsils and airway muscles or by the tongue causing airflow to stop and breathing to cease. In patients who have sleep apnea, there is a cycle that repeats itself over and over again during sleep. Due to an obstruction, the airway narrows, breathing stops briefly, oxygen levels drop, the body goes into flight or fight response mode causing arousal from sleep, the airway muscles contract, the airway opens, the person takes some breaths and falls back asleep, and the process restarts. 


A typical sleep apnea patient can have anywhere from a few dozen to a hundred or more of these events per night. Snoring is also an airway problem. The snoring sound is made by the vibration of soft tissue as air passes through a narrow airway.

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Symptoms and Effects of Sleep Apnea

Leaving sleep apnea untreated can lead to a range of short and long-term health issues, significantly impacting one’s quality of life and overall health.


Short-Term Effects

  • Decreased performance at work or school due to fatigue.
  • Elevated risk of accidents or mistakes because of daytime sleepiness.
  • Strain on relationships due to mood changes and irritability.
sleep apnea

Long-Term Effects

  • Cardiovascular Problems: Sleep apnea is associated with an increased risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke due to the strain placed on the heart by frequent nighttime awakenings and oxygen deprivation.
  • Type 2 Diabetes: Sleep apnea is linked with glucose intolerance and insulin resistance, which can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes.
  • Metabolic Syndrome: Related conditions including high blood pressure, abnormal cholesterol levels, high blood sugar, and increased waist circumference are more common in those with sleep apnea.
  • Complications with Medications and Surgery: Sleep apnea can affect the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, complicating anesthesia and postoperative outcomes.
  • Liver Problems: People with sleep apnea are more likely to show signs of liver function impairment and liver scarring.


At Waterstone Family Dentistry, we take sleep apnea seriously. Our team can provide the necessary diagnostic and treatment options to manage this condition effectively, helping you to lead a healthier and more rested life.


Treating Sleep Apnea

In the past, sleep apnea was treated mostly with CPAP machines or by surgery to reduce enlarged airway tissue. Now, both sleep apnea and snoring can be treated with oral appliances. These devices consist of upper and lower splints that are connected by straps or hinges that open the airway and hold the lower jaw forward. The snoring appliance imitates what takes place during CPR. It keeps the airway open so air can pass through unimpeded.


The sleep apnea appliance works similarly by holding the lower jaw in a forward position, preventing the collapse of the airway. For patients who are diagnosed with mild to moderate sleep apnea, we can make an oral appliance that will enable improved, more restful sleep along with the ability to function better during the day.


Diagnosing Sleep Apnea

Patients with presumed sleep apnea need to have a sleep study and a diagnosis by a board-certified sleep physician before an oral appliance can be made. For our patients who we suspect may have sleep apnea, we arrange for a sleep test kit to be mailed to their home for a two-night sleep study. These tests, done in the comfort of one’s own home can sometimes be less stressful than going to a sleep center. If you are ready to get treatment for your sleep issues or have questions, contact us today at our Fuquay-Varina dental practice.